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OvuSignTM Midstream Stick
One-Step Home Ovulation Prediction Test

Some Common Questions

Q: What time is best to do the test?

A: Urine should be collected at about the same time every day, if possible. Do not use first morning urine; for best results, use urine collected between 10 am and 8 pm. Remember, you do not need to do the test at the same time; simply collect the urine at the same time every day and store it in a refrigerator, then do the test when it is convenient for you.

Q: Does the amount of liquid that I drink affect the test?

A: Try to reduce your liquid intake for about 2 hours before you collect your urine. You don't want to dilute your urine, since this could cause you to miss a SURGE result.

Q: How long will the lines remain visible?

A: The test should be read within 10 minutes for best results. A positive (SURGE) result will never disappear. The color band may become darker and a tinted result will never disappear. The color band may become darker and a tinted background may appear after several hours. Some negative results may later display a faint second color band because of evaporation from the test window which prevents complete migration of the test chemicals. Therefore, you should discard the test card once you have read the result.

Q: I performed the test, and I see a horizontal line in the Control window but a vertical line or streak in the Test window. What is the result?

A: The line in the Test window must be the same, horizontal direction as the line in the Control window. If there is no horizontal line (even if there is a line or streak going up and down, perhaps through both the Test and Control windows), the result is negative (no surge). The vertical streak is sometimes caused by the test chemicals still migrating through the window, but it should go away in a few minutes. Remember to read the test after 3 minutes, and within 10 minutes of starting it.

Q: Can I collect urine in a cup instead of holding the stick in my urine stream?

A: Yes, see the Alternate Procedure. This method works just as well as holding the stick in your urine stream.

Q: How accurate is the test?

A: The accuracy of OvuSignTM was demonstrated in a laboratory study in which technicians obtained the correct result on a total of 306(99+%) of 306 blind clinical samples.

Q: I am not sure of my test result. What should I do?

A: The test is working properly as long as a pink-purple colored line is visible in the Control window. The result is a SURGE (positive) if the line in the Test window is darker than the line in the Control window. If the line in the Test window is lighter than the line in the Control window, or if ther is no line in the Test window, the result is negative (no surge). You may also call our Customer Service representatives as described below.

Q: Can I use OvuSignTM as a contraceptive?

A: No. You are most fertile when you ovulate, 30-70 hours after your LH surge, but you can still become pregnant after ovulation. It is very important that you do not use this test as a form of birth control.

Q: Can alcohol or medications affect the test?

A: Drinking alcohol will not affect the test. (But it is not healthy for your baby if you get pregnant.) Only medications containing hCG or LH can affect the test results. Other hormone medications, pain relievers, antibiotics, or the contraceptive pill should not affect the test.

Q: Who can I call if I have more questions?

A: You can reach a customer service representative at Tel (619) 792-1100 Mon. - Fri., 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time or E-mail to: [email protected] seven days a week.

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1155 Camino Del Mar, #517
Del Mar, CA 92014 USA
Tel: 001 (619) 792-1100
Tel (toll-free within US): (888) 357-9399
Fax: 001 (619) 793-1824
E-Mail: [email protected]